Computer guided implant surgery represents a giant step forward in the replacement of teeth with dental implants. Using Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan techniques and 3-D imaging, dentists can now visualize the placement of dental implants in three dimensions. This eliminates the guesswork involved determining what parts of the jawbone offer the best sites for dental implant placement. It also allows the dentist to create the permanent restoration prior to surgery and place the restoration the day of the surgery. Computer guided implant surgery provides greater patient satisfaction and simplifies the dental implant treatment process. The actual implant placement and final restoration is completed in hours, not months. Often referred to as Teeth-in-an-Hour™, this treatment option is made possible through Procera 3D planning software and Nobel Biocare™ technology. Benefits of Computer Guided Surgery – Precision … Accuracy … Success This revolutionary system offers a more accurate and safer positioning of dental implants and provides the patient with permanent teeth in about an hour. This technology enables your doctor to get an advanced, detailed look at the interior sections of the jaw bone, surrounding tissue and the nerves. These CT scan machines are the same as those used to aid surgeons in joint replacement procedures.


Using a high-tech 3-D (CT) scan of your jaw structure and three-dimensional computer imaging technology, the precise placement of the implant abutments is planned out, and a highly aesthetic non-removable bridge (tooth replacement) is fabricated – all before the short incision-free procedure is ever performed.
Before your appointment, a precise surgical guide is created, and then then implants are placed in a precise position for optimum esthetics and function.
Because the implants fit exactly into the surgical sites created for them, there is no healing time necessary for the bone to fill in around them, and this is why you can function immediately! Since so much time and effort is spent in the planning phase and it is so precise, the actual surgical appointment goes fairly quickly.


- Immediate function of your dental implants.
- Less pain during the appointment and during the post-operative recovery period.
- A highly aesthetic and functional result because of the careful planning.