The term “PROTRUDED Teeth” describes teeth that are too far forward. The Front teeth and the upper jaw bone have moved forward and as a result the spaces between the teeth get larger and larger. The lip is also pushed up because of the teeth. The teeth actually push the lip up as they tip forward. The bite correction process is slow and the patient seldom notices the changes until they finally see a photo of themselves and decide to fix the protruding teeth now. Buck teeth can be a result of tongue thrusting and bone loss around the teeth. When a patient looses bone, the teeth can move more easily and generally the tongue will push the teeth forward.


1. Spaces Between Teeth The patient may never have had spaces and then spaces between her teeth began to appear. The gaps or spaces between the teeth were small and there are too many other things going on so many patients do not take action. Some patients have small spaces and as they get larger, the patient begins to see the problem but doesn’t realize how much their upper lip is moving and how their speech is not as clear any more.
2. Diastema and Speech Problems Spaces between the teeth are referred to as a diastema. The spaces actually begin to change the way a patient talks. The “S” sounds are not as crisp and the patient begins to use their tongue to try to speak more clearly. The more they use their tongue, the bigger the spaces become.
3. Gummy Smile Buck teeth make the smile look gummy. Too much of her gums are showing and her lips are also raises up too much because her upper jawbone is too prominent. The lips begin to move differently when the patient has buckteeth. Many of these patients cannot get their lips over their teeth. She now has a much more relaxed upper lip and a more natural appearance.


A range of orthodontic devices may be used to move or stabilise teeth. These include:
Braces – Tiny brackets are attached to the front of each tooth, and a wire is tied to them. The constant gentle pressure of the wire slowly repositions the teeth.
Elastics –These small rubber bands are stretched between upper and lower braces for additional force to move teeth.
Plate – A plastic device that sits in the mouth and uses wires and springs to push teeth into a particular position, or to hold them in place. Unlike braces, a plate can be taken out of the mouth.