The results of orthodontic treatment can be dramatic — beautiful smiles, improved dental health and an enhanced quality of life for many people of all ages. Outstanding results are also dependent on maximizing the coordination of care between you and our experienced staff.


Clear Braces : Metal brackets or braces can now be replaced with clear bracket or a bracket in a color of your choice. Clear braces makes wearing braces less noticeable.
Lingual or Internal Braces : Lingual or Internal Braces are attached to the inside or lingual side of the teeth which makes them completely non-visible. Lngual orthodontics particularly well-suited for adults whose professions keep them in the public eyes.
Invisalign : Invisalign uses a series of clear removable aligners to straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets. This is also an invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces.

Ceramic dental braces have become all the rage for those who might “freak out” over the idea of metal dental braces. Commonly known as ceramic dental braces or tooth-colored dental braces, porcelain dental braces are one of several types of orthodontic braces designed to fit adult lifestyles. Porcelain dental braces help hide the fact you’re wearing braces by blending in with your teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, porcelain brackets are made from a glass-like composite material that appears translucent, allowing your teeth to shine through.
ClearPath Aligner : ClearPath Aligners are USFDA APPROVED, removable medical grade plastic appliances which patient wears instead of brackets and wires to correct malocclusion. Dental aligners are a modern alternative to braces, for teeth that are in need of straightening.
A Clear change to the concept of Cosmetic and Adult Orthodontic treatment without using conventional methods of wires and brackets. Adults wouldn’t have asked for a better choice to correct their malocclusion without social inhibitions.
ClearPath dental Aligners also offer predictable results visualization even before the treatmentClear Aligners are clear removable cosmetic appliance designed for minor teeth movement of patients.


You can remove ClearPath aligners to eat, drink, brush and floss or for special occasions.


Fixed braces consist of brackets and bands bonded or cemented to your teeth (to get a hold of them), and very thin metal wires that gently push your teeth into their right positions. The wire is tied into the brackets with a steel ligature or a coloured plastic ring. Some brackets have clips to hold the wires and no ties are needed. Brackets can be made of metal or tooth-coloured ceramic or plastic. Ordinary fixed braces are bonded to the front of your teeth. There are also braces that can be bonded on the back of your teeth (lingual braces).